
The First Fully Transparent Drug Rebate Solution

RebateLogic is a groundbreaking solution that fully automates the management and optimization of drug rebates, while providing a new level of access to industry-leading rebate contracts and price transparency.

RebateLogic Datasheet

Drug pricing tool showing rebates with graphs.
A simple darkened background.

Deliver the Lowest Prescription Cost

By automatically analyzing prescription claims data, RebateLogic can identify opportunities to optimize utilization, formulary, and rebate management. This robust tool enables clients to optimize member outcomes while leveraging industry-best rebate contract pricing.

Automate Rebate Management

RebateLogic is revolutionizing the healthcare industry by enabling clients to access, manage, and optimize drug rebate data in real-time.

Access: RebateLogic provides access to the industry’s best rebate contracts with transparency to the NDC level. This unprecedented level of transparency allows clients to optimize rebates resulting in significant savings for all stakeholders of pharmacy benefits.

Management: Managing rebates typically requires a significant amount of people, time, and resources in order to analyze rebate yield and opportunity analysis. RebateLogic not only automates this reporting within a customized dashboard but also sends a remittance notice to present what’s been paid and what needs attention so that no dollars are lost. Together with monthly payment cycles, RebateLogic streamlines and cuts down average rebate processing time while reducing errors.

Optimization: With access to both rebate contracts and to prescription claims data, RebateLogic gives stakeholders a unique view into true opportunity analysis. By automatically comparing the cost of drugs against all possible alternatives – optimal rebate payment, generic equivalent, therapeutic alternatives – client users quickly identify the lowest net cost possible. This level of automation and transparency allows stakeholders to decide what should be done with drug formularies and utilization management programs to maximize member health while achieving the lowest net cost.

rebatelogic by the numbers

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The unprecedented level of access, transparency, and automation enables RebateLogic to decrease the complex and cumbersome effort of managing rebates while cutting the average rebate processing and payment time down by 66%.

What Can RebateLogic Do?

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Comprehensive Cost Analysis

With real-time data analysis on remittance notices, RebateLogic not only compares brand name drugs to generic to find lowest possible cost but also informs stakeholders of how a rebate will be affected with the utilization of different drugs. This enables them to decide instantly what they should do with their drug formulary and utilization management programs–to either increase and maximize rebates or create the lowest cost.

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Faster Rebate Auditing & Reporting

RebateLogic provides a solution for the painstaking reporting that’s involved with rebate management. With numerous dashboards, users can easily monitor rebate and net cost yields while keeping an eye on opportunities for maximum performance. Real-time access to rebate reconciliation also enables users to easily track incoming monthly payments of rebates, rather than quarterly or six months later.

Additionally, RebateLogic’s management capabilities extend to managing client contract rebate guarantees helping to mitigate the risk of variances in what is being paid out to clients versus what clients are getting paid.

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Autonomously Identifies Savings Opportunities

Providers don’t always know that making a switch to another medication can significantly reduce costs for their patients. RebateLogic identifies those savings opportunities and has the ability to autonomously inform them through email or phone.

Ready to get started?