Quickly Identify Cost-Drivers
Through a deep analysis utilizing your pharmacy claims data, TrendLogic breaks your drug cost increases into pharmacy cost drivers– PBM discounts, drug inflation, drug mix, utilization, intensity– then thoroughly examines them to determine how much each is increasing your pharmacy costs. Armed with this information, along with the included PBM pricing analysis, you will be empowered to make changes that result in immediate and long-term pharmacy cost savings.
PBM Discounts: Pinpoint how much your contracted PBM discounts are increasing or decreasing your overall costs– not all PBM price improvements result in decreased drug spend for benefits payers
Drug Inflation: Determine the amount that drug cost inflation from pharmaceutical manufacturers, drug distributors, and network pharmacies is driving drug spend up
Drug Mix: Gain insights into the increased drug spend resulting from shifts in the types of medications used to treat conditions with a focus on specialty and generics
Utilization: Evaluate fluctuations in the number of members utilizing medication and how it relates to increased costs
Intensity: Review cost changes resulting from the increase or decrease in amount of medication that a population is prescribed and is taking
trendlogic by the numbers
Drug Costs Analyzed
Over $10 billion in pharmacy claims costs is used in TrendLogic modeling
Prescriptions Analyzed
More than 25 million prescriptions are utilized in TrendLogic modeling
Payers Analyzed
Over 5,000 benefits payers’ claims data are included in TrendLogic modeling
Patients Analyzed
Over 3 million patients are included in TrendLogic modeling
What Can TrendLogic Do?
Quick, On-demand Analysis
Cultivating a detailed report to reflect company performance is tedious requiring an analysis of each area of a business to determine where they are suffering from increased costs. By leveraging data analysis automation and proven drug claims modeling techniques honed over decades, we’ve reduced the time to produce detailed, actionable reports from several weeks to months down to minutes and days. Once completed, our experts will personally provide a guided assessment of your custom analysis.
Industry Rate Comparisons Made Simple
TrendLogic’s extensive data warehouse and intuitive analysis gives payers an overview of how their drug costs stack up, compare vendor options, and guide them to make price-informed choices.
Optimize Plan Performance
Too many well-intentioned pharmacy benefits strategies fall short of performance improvement because they often don’t address the core drivers of increased costs. A customized Xevant drug trend analysis mitigates this issue by pinpointing the specific drivers causing your poor performance. This will allow you to gear your improvement strategies towards specific sources of cost increases resulting in better performance in less time and with fewer resources.
Detailed, Automated Drug Trend Analysis
No more painful, lengthy, and manual analysis. Pharmacy claims data is notoriously difficult to efficiently interpret and derive actionable insights. Rather than spending months accumulating this data only to be left making changes retroactively, Trendlogic breaks critical insights out by core cost-drivers for immediate action resulting in optimal plan performance.