
Access Accurate and Informative Reports

Plan Review is a service add-on, or can be bundled in the enterprise platform, for the Xevant system that lets you completely automate the mundane and painstakingly tedious process of custom plan review generation. It draws on all of the data in other Xevant modules to create powerful reports with just a few clicks. All those late nights spent building a quarterly or annual report – you get those nights time back.

PlanReview Datasheet

A plan summary with payments laid out. (765 x 497)
A simple darkened background.

Customize the Result

The Plan Review drops the entire report into a pre-customized PowerPoint presentation in a matter of seconds. You can configure the templates to stay on brand with themes, artwork, font and other visual elements.

Maximize Your Savings

Plan Review can also save your business millions of dollars which would have been spent behind manual report-making.

Optimize Your Resource Allocation

Our Plan Review service can potentially save you thousands of man-hours allocated to report-making – which can be utilized for other aspects of work including consulting with your clients to drive down their cost. That is a direct and instant impact on your bottom line while gaining more satisfied clients.

planreview by the numbers

0 S

Time to generate Plan Reviews

On average, it takes 18 seconds to completely run a client plan review; when added to Report Builder, the number drops to 0!


Total Man-Hours Conserved

Over 5,000 total number of man-hours conserved per quarter due to Plan Review, which would otherwise have been wasted in making PowerPoint presentations.

$ 0 M

Total Savings

On average, the Plan Review solution generates $1 million in savings per million lives.

What Can PlanReview Do?

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Completely Automated, Detailed Reports

Plan Review completely automates the entire plan report creation process. However, its algorithm has been developed so that it does not leave out any of the details in the report that might have been present if created manually. This ensures that the quality of the end-report is always of the highest standard. Apart from that, it also ensures consistency in the quality of multiple reports if and when they’re required.

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Pre-Configured End Result

Plan Review takes into consideration a crucial stage of developing a report, which is summarizing all the key points into a concise yet detailed slide presentation. This is also an extremely impactful stage since both unnecessary, as well as missing, information in a planning report can have devastating consequences – and can lead to a loss of business. We eliminate this hassle by allowing you to preconfigure and customize the PowerPoint presentation according to your needs. This ensures that the end-result always contains exactly what a client wants included.

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Delivered in Seconds

Report development is an extremely tedious process. You have clients that all need a quarterly or annual report on their pharmacy benefits performance. How many screenshots, data points and analyses, summaries, etc. do you have to source to make that report or presentation? Why not automate it all and generate a final pre-configured PowerPoint presentation in less than 20 seconds?

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Ensures Error-Free Documents

Developing monthly, quarterly, and annual planning reports always involve sorting through an overwhelming amount of information, apart from generating screenshots and data analysis. If done manually, human error inevitably finds its way into the final report. Because our reports are generated automatically from clean data, it eliminates the possibility of producing new errors that weren’t already present in the data that was fed to it.

Ready to get started?