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Xevant: Advanced and Automated Analytics For Healthcare Data

Being a huge industry with over $4 trillion business around 25% of it is considered wasteful. This is basically because of the huge workload, repetitive and error-prone processes. At this challenging point, helping businesses in the healthcare space simplify cost and streamlining operations is Xevant.

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Coruzant Technologies with their logo.

Xevant’s RebateLogic

Even in the wake of the pandemic, increases in prescription drug prices continue to “outpace inflation,” according to a recent AARP survey. Seventy-nine percent of U.S. adults claim that the “cost of prescription drugs is unreasonable,” and almost three in ten adults reported that because of high cost, they didn’t take their medicines as prescribed at some point in the last year.

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Utah Business written out.

Brandon Newman: Unleashing the True Potential of Technology in Healthcare

In the modern digital era of business, technological advancements and innovation continue to impact all industries. In healthcare, these developments play a vital role for customers and enterprises alike. Devices like smartphones and tablets have replaced orthodox monitoring and recording systems due to their higher efficiency, precision, and faster troubleshooting ability.

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Utah Business written out.

Economic Outlook Summit: B2B – the Future of Collaboration and How It Shapes Our Economy

This November, Utah Business hosted an exclusive summit for business with dozens of panels hosted by some of our favorite experts. This panel, moderated by Nathan Paddock, director of Business Development at Wells Fargo will take a deeper look at how different businesses have worked in partnership to create solutions to some of businesses’ biggest challenges. With panelists Katelin Roberts, executive director at BioHive; Brandon Newman, CEO & co-founder at Xevant; Ryan Jones, EVP & chief lending officer at Altabank; Amy Osmond Cook, CMO, at Simplus; Scott Johnson, Founder & CEO at Motivosity.

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Utah Business written out.

Healthcare Heroes: A Conversation About the Future of Healthcare in Utah

In lieu of an in-person event this year, Utah Business partnered with Kiln, Roseman University of Health Science, Intermountain Healthcare, Merit Medical, and Xevant to talk to some of our state’s top healthcare executives about Covid two years in and where we are going in the future. Hosted by Elle Griffin, editor-in-chief of Utah Business, today’s panelists are Jeremy Wells, chancellor at Roseman University; Brandon Newman, co-founder and CEO of Xevant; Katelin Roberts, executive director at BioHive; Lori Weston, CEO of Park City Hospital; and Nicole Priest, chief wellness officer at Merit Medical.

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World Biz Awards Global Top 100 Innovation CEOS. (100 x 100)

Brandon Newman, CEO of Xevant – Interview With WBM Top 100 Innovation CEO

Brandon Newman has a dynamic, 30-year leadership career spearheading several health technology businesses with an emphasis on growth, revenue, and operational excellence. He has run many high-growth environments, including start-ups, turnarounds, and $1B+ dollar businesses. As a serial entrepreneur, he has a proven record of founding new businesses and advancing them through growth and acquisition, merger, or roll-up including ScripPoint, Veridian, and AviaraMD.

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The 10 Influential Leaders in Healthcare, 2021

In the modern digital era of business, the outreach of technological advancements and innovation continues to grow to change the dynamics of all industries. In healthcare, these technological developments have started to play a vital role for customers and enterprises alike. Devices like smartphones and tablets have replaced orthodox monitoring and recording systems due to their higher efficiency, precision, and faster troubleshooting ability.

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Brandon Newman: Unleashing the True Potential of Technology in Healthcare.

In the modern digital era of business, the outreach of technological advancements and innovation continues to grow to change the dynamics of all industries. In healthcare, these technological developments have started to play a vital role for customers and enterprises alike. Devices like smartphones and tablets have replaced orthodox monitoring and recording systems due to their higher efficiency, precision, and faster troubleshooting ability.

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