Prism to Produce Detailed Analysis for Repricing Claims

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Repricing Claims Analysis

Xevant’s Platform Enables Prism to Produce Detailed Analysis for Repricing Claims at Scale

Headshot of Ryan Rice

“Adding a technology interface at this level allows us to be far more efficient and effective with the services we provide.”
Ryan Rice, Principle & Practice Leader


Prism Health Strategists (Prism) is an agile healthcare consulting agency delivering a wide variety of specialized healthcare solutions across the United States. Their sole purpose is to align and empower each of their partners to reduce costs, improve care, and enhance the valued benefits offered to their plan participants.


Stifled Technology

With so much data to process, Prism found it challenging to produce detailed analysis for repricing claims efficiently. While they had the skills to perform quality pricing assessments for clients, their lack of automation significantly limited their capacity for growth.

Inefficient Use of Human Capital
Prism relies on efficiency and time management to deliver high quality products and deliverables to the clients that depend on them. With little technological support, they were often forced to manually analyze the market to monitor repricing claims. This laborious process spread the team too thin and made it a challenge to serve clients as effectively.

Begin identifying cost-drivers for long-term savings

“Adding a technology interface at this level allows us to be far more efficient and effective with the services we provide.”
Ryan Rice, Principal and Practice Leader


With Xevant’s platform, Prism can access immediate and detailed analysis for repricing claims for any prospect or client. This helps them easily identify and communicate savings opportunities immediately instead of risking having prospects or clients pursue other Brokers/Vendors because the process to reprice claims is time-consuming.

Robust Technology

Prism leverages Xevant’s comprehensive technology to enhance the insights they provide their clients. They utilize Xevant’s curated tools to be more efficient and deliver and deploy solutions in a very accurate, elegant, and timely manner.

High Quality Client Deliverables

As a consultant, Prism continuously monitors and validates the pricing secured through their negotiating efforts ensuring it remains at an average industry rate and is yielding maximum cost savings. Once a manual, laborious process, Xevant’s solutions allow them to work more efficiently ensuring they have a greater degree of time management to deliver high quality products and deliverables to clients.

A faded image of the word, "RESULTS".
  • Reduced Costs for Clients. Repricing analysis is now done immediately instead of weeks later ensuring clients are getting current, quality results while achieving maximum cost savings.
  • Increased Efficiency. Xevant’s powerful technology takes on tedious, daily work allowing the Prism team to focus on building out crucial insights to guide clients.
  • Automation. By automating detailed analysis for repricing claims, Prism can provide timely insights that help clients achieve their goals.

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